


  Short film Empire is based on a radio drama Sorry, Wrong Number by the American writer Lucille Fletcher. Actually, Sokurov draws on a single theme forming the background for the story of the thriller — the woman's illness… The heroine is bed–ridden and her only means of communication with the outside world is her telephone — until a killer interrupts the conversation…
  Sokurov removes all the dialogues, leaving us alone with the heroine — “a living skeleton” among the refined, with a touch of Modern–style, furnishings — who is listening to a radio broadcasting of Traviata, with its pleas for mercy and love. An elegant coffin–home is the spatial centre and symbolization of the entire film. And inside the coffin we certainly see the actress — the famous Russian ballerina Alla Osipenko who plays not only the heroine but also her own self.
  This metaphoric cinema–image bears an allusion to the great “handicapped” Sarah Bernhardt who was reported to sleep in a coffin, as well as to the entire complex of aesthetised Decadence, converting an apology of Death into a lifestyle. Here is the key to the code of the title. Empire is a style that attempted to reanimate the dead ancient harmony. The heroine of Sokurov's film communicates with her phone as the only partner, and sort of interferes with the beyond, attracting this air — intangible yet saturated with danger. It is from the radio air that she accumulates both pleasure and tranquillity — the aria of dying yet beloved Violetta, while the killer's silhouette materializes from the phone air. A chamber pot, overturned and spilt by the killer in haste, remains the only evidence of human activities in this boudoir of Death. Sokurov's metaphor, clad in naturalistic details, produces the effect of ironic disclosure: “a wet spot” is left after a symbol.
  The film was shot as a study work of a VGIK student S.Sidorov. At that time Sokurov did not have a chance to launch a project of his own, therefore he used this possibility to work. Visual conception of this film anticipates a considerable number of Sokurov's future experiments: light that models the space, levelling of colours, correlation of contrasting textures.



Janet Waldo Eric Taslitz 南希·麦基翁 琼·弗雷 弗兰克·维尔克 菲利普·坦齐尼 阿伦·迪因哈特


野泽雅子 土家里织 纳谷悟朗 伊藤美纪 小林克也 绪方贤一 吉村佣 加贺谷純一 速水奖 鹰森淑乃 巴菁子 松冈洋子 坂本千夏 吉田美保 稻叶实 北村弘一 折笠爱 泷口顺平 三浦雅子 富田耕生 小野健一 菅原淳一 荒川太郎 富山敬 藤本让 吉田理保子 田中真弓 小林修 水谷优子 小宫和枝 渊崎由里子 大泷进矢 井上瑶 上田敏也 笹冈繁藏 水鸟铁夫 关川真佐美 石田纯子 佐佐木望 内海贤二 筈见纯 羽村京子 京田尚子 津嘉山正种 秋山照子 加藤正之 高田由美 寺岛干夫 渡边久美子 安永沙都子 真柴摩利 池本小

狡猾飞天德 第一季[电影解说]

吉姆·卡明斯 特伦斯·麦克格文 克里斯汀·凯文诺

文豪野犬 第三季[电影解说]

上村祐翔 宫野真守 细谷佳正 神谷浩史 丰永利行 花仓桔道 岛村侑 诸星堇 小见川千明 小山力也 小野贤章 谷山纪章 羽多野涉 小清水亚美 濑户麻沙美 宫本充 雨宫天 樱井孝宏 植田光 森川智之 花泽香菜 福山润 石田彰


李星民 晋久 景收真 李学周 金弘波 金太勋 琴光山 金敏载 吴代焕


詹妮弗·劳伦斯 乔什·哈切森 利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯 伍迪·哈里森 唐纳德·萨瑟兰 菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼 朱丽安·摩尔 薇洛·西尔德斯 山姆·克拉弗林 伊丽莎白·班克斯 马赫沙拉·阿里 吉娜·马隆 杰弗里·怀特 葆拉·马尔科姆森 斯坦利·图齐 娜塔莉·多默尔 伊万·罗斯 埃尔登·汉森 约翰·威斯利·查特曼 萨莉塔·乔德霍里 斯黛芬·道森 帕蒂纳·雷内亚·米勒 罗伯特·克耐普


宋仲基 崔成恩 赵汉哲 徐现宇 李一花 金成铃 李相喜 Matt Silverman Kembe Sorel Selmeci Lili Kaan Abdullah Harry Szovik Zoltán Palotai Márk Halécius


艾莉森·戈尔斯克 艾美·斯托尔特 贾斯汀·波尔蒂 本尼迪克特·塞巴斯蒂安 卢克·法托鲁索 卡伊欧·普利斯 艾丽莎·菲洛拉莫 罗斯·福特 梅森·格里尔 杰里米·M·英曼 凯特·沃森


胡慧中 惠英红 黄景珍 狄威 楚原 施介强 秦贵宝 孙国明 刘允 曹查理 陈国权 丹密茨 李建兴 曹荣 梁钦棋 刘晃世


水田山葵 大原惠美 嘉数由美 木村昴 关智一 三石琴乃 松本保典 高木涉 藤本千秋 松本幸 真殿光昭 神代知衣 野中蓝 置鲇龙太郎 小杉十郎太 菅原正志 高户靖广 甲斐田幸 藤本让 菅原淳一 柳泽荣治 堀川仁
