


  New One Tree Hill season 9 photo features happy Brooke reunited with her estranged dad. CW recently dropped a couple,new premiere photos for it’s upcoming “One Tree Hill” 9th and final scene. This particular photo shows a very happy, Brooke David,reuniting with her long lost father,played by actor Richard Burgi.
  It looks like the first episode will be a little mellow compared to what I’ve heard is supposed to eventually go down. I guess you’ve got to start off a little light with these sort of things. However, once they get into it,we’re going to see crazy Dan Scott return to try and get his murdering thing going again. He’ll be spotted with a gun.
  Brooke isn’t going to be looking so happy when she’s spotted vandalizing a restaurant. Julian smile will be turned into an instant frown when he gets the everliving crap beat out of him. Haley won’t be smiling,either,after she identifies a dead body. Chase won’t look like such a nice guy when he’s handcuffed,and taken to jail. Oh,and I’m sure there’s more,just you wait and see. This last season is going out with a mega bang,for sure. It kicks off this Wednesday, January 11th at 7pm central time on the CW.



Ayesha Madon James Majoos Chloe Hayden Asher Yasbincek Thomas Weatherall Will McDonald 萨姆·雷希纳 Gemma Chua-Tran Bryn Chapman Parish Sherry-Lee Watson Brodie Townsend 瑞切尔·豪斯 琪卡·伊科维 安格斯·桑普森 卡尔塔尼亚·梅纳德 特里斯坦·苟 Nadim Accari Sebastian Coe 麦琪·登斯 Jude Hyland


科甘-迈克尔·凯 塞西莉·斯特朗 德芙·卡梅隆 杰米·卡米尔 克里斯汀·肯诺恩斯 艾伦·卡明 阿丽亚娜·德博斯 安·哈拉达 简·科拉克斯基 马丁·肖特 艾伦·特维特 伊莎贝尔·伯奇 泰塔斯·伯吉斯 Serena Crouse Caleb Di Pomponio 卡琳·考诺娃 帕特里克·佩奇


Dani Alves Marcos Aoas Correa Alisson Becker


Kenia Arias 艾比·科里甘 克里斯汀·弗劳赛斯 Matt Lasky Maryssa Menendez Emily Morales-Cabrera 丹尼斯·欧哈拉 Simone Recasner Houston Towe


福琼·费姆斯特 London Hughes 大卫·斯佩德


约翰·威尔逊 Cynthia Larson Ron Low 凯尔·麦克拉克伦 Gabrielle Merken Niko Nelson Yanjaa Wintersoul


罗恩·哈珀 西萨尔·达诺瓦 Christopher Cary Brendon Boone Rudy Solari


妮基·罗德里格斯 莎拉·拉弗提 马克·布鲁卡斯 诺亚·拉朗德 阿什比·金特里 Connor Stanhope Johnny Link 阿莉莎·牛顿 柯瑞·福格尔玛尼斯 科尔顿·斯图尔特 Mya Lowe Myles Perez 阿利克斯·韦斯特·莱弗勒 Zoë Soul 艾萨克·阿雷兰尼斯 Ellie O'Brien Ashley Popelka 迪恩·彼得里夫 Gabrielle Jacinto Lennix James


丽莎·泰格 约瑟芬·弗里达·佩特森 伊曼·迈基尼 乌莉卡·法尔希 安娜·斯维尼达 马龙·朗格兰 塔利亚·桑德维克·莫尔 托马斯·海耶斯 赫尔曼·蒂美拉斯 卡尔·马丁·厄格斯玻 克里斯蒂娜·厄德格 塞西莉·马丁森 大卫·亚历山大·谢侯

黑袍纠察队 第二季

卡尔·厄本 杰克·奎德 安东尼·斯塔尔 艾琳·莫里亚蒂 多米妮克·麦克艾丽戈特 杰西·厄舍 拉兹·阿隆索 切斯·克劳福 托默·卡蓬 福原·凯伦 内森·米切尔 蔻碧·米纳菲 珊特尔·范圣滕 妮卡·埃利奥特 阿雅·卡什 莱拉·罗宾斯 乔丹娜·拉茹瓦 吉姆·比弗 周豪 卡梅伦·克罗维蒂 克劳迪娅·多米特 贾森·加里-斯坦福德 肖恩·阿什莫
