


  Richard Ayoade takes a ruthlessly efficient approach to travel. In 48 hours he covers everything a city has to offer.
  Episode 1 - Barcelona
  Richard and actor Kathy Burke do Barcelona in 48 hours, including some far-out cuisine, Cava tasting, a guided tricycle tour and surrealist artist Miro
  Episode 2 - Istanbul
  Richard and comedian Adam Hills embark on a whirlwind visit in Istanbul, including a boat trip, a massage, a very close shave, and some haggling at the Grand Bazaar
  Episode 3 - Iceland
  Richard takes actor Jessica Hynes on a whirlwind weekend away to the stunning scenery of Iceland, for waterfalls, glaciers, geysers, whales, rotten shark and elf school
  Episode 4 - Marrakech
  Richard and actor Stephen Mangan eat steamed sheep's head and go hot air ballooning and camel riding on a quickie weekend trip in Morocco


通灵之战 第十五季

马拉特·巴沙罗夫 朱莉王

犯罪现场调查:迈阿密 第二季

大卫·卡罗素 亚当·罗德里格兹 艾米丽·普格特

镜花水月 第二季

施瑞·阿普莱碧 康斯坦斯·齐默 克雷格·比尔克 布伦南·埃利奥特 乔什·凯利 伊丽莎白·怀特梅尔 艾恩·格拉法德 B·J·布里特 杰弗里·鲍耶-查普曼 金伯利·马图拉
